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Up Close and Personal

Declan Havlicek at Border Seminar.

22岁的荣誉学生德克兰·哈夫利切克(Declan Havlicek)考察了都柏林街头艺术作为流动边界的一部分, a traveling seminar offered by Syracuse London.

去年秋天,22岁的德克兰·哈夫利切克开始了这种陌生的面对面学习. Only he was 3,600 miles from home. Based at Syracuse Madrid, 这位和蔼可亲的波士顿人是雪城大学(Syracuse University)越来越多转向其他学习模式的学生之一, like study abroad, amid the pandemic.

“It’s not how I originally envisioned college, but what I’ve done has exceeded my expectations,” says the senior majoring in economics in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the College of Arts and Sciences. “Syracuse University has made me more flexible and resilient. 它也教会了我如何对自己的学习负责.”

There are nontraditional students, and then there’s Havlicek, who graduates in May—summa cum laude, if all goes to plan—after three years of college. No matter that he has logged only two semesters in Syracuse. Since the onset of COVID, the world has been his classroom.

Teaching, traveling and studying abroad fuel my curiosity. 它们帮助我理解观点和目的之间的联系. It’s work that I take personally.

Declan Havlicek ’22

Havlicek currently works out of the Syracuse London 布卢姆斯伯里是一个绿树成荫的社区,到处都是公园、剧院和博物馆. 他的课程表包括健康心理学的高级课程, creative industry and the business of tourism. “I love London. Some of these classes you can’t take anywhere else,” he says, noting a preponderance of guest speakers and site visits.

作为一名拥有爱尔兰双重国籍的美国人,哈夫利切克以一份新的成绩单迎接了春季学期 traveling seminar in Ireland. 该课程包括为期九天的旅行,在那里他近距离了解了爱尔兰的文化和历史. 哈夫利切克访问德里/伦敦德里恰逢血腥星期日50周年, 英国士兵向民权抗议者开火. The event, he explains, 成为天主教民族主义者和新教忠诚者之间长达数十年的不和的转折点.

当哈夫利切克凝视着血腥星期日纪念碑——一座简单的花岗岩方尖碑——时,他被一份名单所吸引. “See that one at the bottom?” the tour guide asked him. “That’s my dad. He died here on Bloody Sunday.”

这次经历有力地提醒我们,学习不仅仅是记忆事实、日期和事件. 哈夫利切克说:“把一张脸和一个名字联系起来,让历史变得鲜活起来。. “It personalizes it for me.”

我想帮助年轻人找到工作或创造创业机会, which can lead to social well-being and political stability.

Declan Havlicek ’22

Blending Preparation and Opportunity

获得全球视野应该对哈夫利切克有好处. 研究生毕业后,他想从事国际青年发展方面的工作. 这种工作一般发生在发展中国家,那里的青年人口预计到2050年将翻一番.

Declan Havlicek with group 2.

Havlicek, second from left, at a bilingual school in Costa Rica, where he taught after the outbreak of COVID-19.

哈夫利切克从锡拉丘兹中学到的最重要的观点之一是经济增长与减贫之间的联系. “我想帮助年轻人找到工作或创造创业机会, which can lead to social well-being and political stability,” he says. “否则,他们就会陷入贫困和不平等的无休止循环,并产生全球性影响.”

哈夫利切克对青少年发展的兴趣始于高中, where he excelled in sports and academics. Involvement with Model UN, Mock Trial, 辩论俱乐部和全球学者计划显示了他对现实世界的天赋, hands-on learning.

一个转折点是听了一位前投资银行家的演讲,他在索马里兰创办了一所中学. “I couldn’t believe that his students, who were from a breakaway region of Somalia, were getting into elite American universities,” says Havlicek, 他是Phi Beta Kappa和Omicron Delta Epsilon文科和经济学荣誉协会的成员, respectively. “这让我想起了那句谚语:成功发生在准备遇到机会的时候. Everyone deserves a chance at education.”

Embracing Global Issues

After high school, Havlicek enrolled in a gap year program, where he taught English in Spain and Thailand. “The experience really stretched me,” says Havlicek, 谁后来获得了英语作为外语教学证书. He also conducted research in Madagascar, 在米兰开办了一个戏剧工作室,在伦敦开办了一个足球训练营——这些都是在他19岁生日之前.

Syracuse University has made me more flexible and resilient. 它也教会了我如何对自己的学习负责.

Declan Havlicek ’22

At Syracuse, Havlicek wanted to put down roots. That changed six months later, with the onset of the pandemic. “COVID-19 took everyone by surprise,” says Havlicek, who found his way to Costa Rica, where he taught English, math and science. 与来自世界各地的学生一起工作,帮助他从新的角度看待这场大流行.

它也暴露了STEM教学和学习的困难. “Americans aren’t the only ones struggling with STEM. 每次我都会让学生拿出他们的数学或科学书籍, they’d just roll their eyes,” he remembers. “I saw an opportunity to approach these subjects differently.”

A Passion for Learning

尽管哈夫利切克周游世界,但他的遗产在澳门线上赌场显得尤为重要. One of his mentors is Ali Cridge in the Renée Crown University Honors Program. She says that Havlicek’s Honors Thesis Project, 如何保证切尔西足球俱乐部的长期稳定和财务健康, 把他天生的好奇心和对学习的热情作为行动的催化剂.”

由于俄罗斯和乌克兰的战争,这个项目已经有了一种紧迫感, 迫使与莫斯科有联系的切尔西老板出售这家历史悠久的俱乐部. 让事情变得复杂的是切尔西在赔钱的同时赢球的倾向. “潜在买家不会希望继续这种持续的损失, 但我认为在新老板的领导下,它有可能盈利并取得成功,” says Havlicek, who has participated in the Sport Management Club in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.

Havlicek proposes heavy youth investment, 通过租借转会系统,精明的花费和球员的升值. (欧洲足球运动员以被租借到其他俱乐部而不是他们目前签约的俱乐部而闻名.)“这样,切尔西就可以满足球迷和经营俱乐部的商人.”

尽管即将毕业,哈夫利切克的学术之旅还远未结束. In some respects, it’s just beginning. “Teaching, traveling and studying abroad fuel my curiosity,2022年富布赖特学者项目的半决赛选手说. “它们帮助我理解观点和目标之间的联系. It’s work that I take personally.”

Also of Interest

Students in Madrid

Syracuse Madrid

澳门线上赌场的课程以节日和现代的马德里为基地,探索整个西班牙文化. You’ll begin with one of several distinct Signature Seminars, 哪些课程旨在向您介绍西班牙和欧洲. 在这段时间里,你还会遇到同学和雪城大学的教职员工.

Explore the opportunities
Students looking at laptop next to Tower of London

Syracuse London

伦敦的文化、社会和种族多样性与地球上其他任何地方都不同. Whether you’re a budding designer, architect, actor, or simply a student of the world, 你在这里的学期将是你所能经历的最丰富的学术和个人经历之一.

Explore the opportunities