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Student leader and activist takes a hands-on approach to creating connections across cultures.
Sofia de la Grana在笔记本电脑上工作的肖像

Sofia de la Grana ’23 sees education and learning as a way to bring people together. She is majoring in 公共关系 and in 公民身份和公民参与 and enjoys being a resident advisor for the 国际生活学习社区.

Sofia de la Grana ’23 enjoys working with other students and helping them succeed. 作为驻校顾问(RA 国际生活学习社区 在雪城大学, 她重视分享经验, 建立关系, 探索文化,创造包容性社区. She sees education as a pathway for bringing people together to learn from one another and improve understanding. “教育是我想做的最重要的事情,德拉格拉纳说, 谁是公共关系专业的 S.I. 纽豪斯公共传播学院 在公民身份和公民参与方面 麦克斯韦公民与公共事务学院.

我真的很想在自己的小圈子外认识新同学. I wanted to make these global connections, and I learned so much about different cultures.

——sofia de la Grana (23

De la Grana grew up near Miami in a largely Hispanic community and earned a scholarship from the Posse Foundation that not only made her enrollment at 锡拉丘兹 a reality, 同时也为她提供了她认为无价之宝的支持. 作为一名新生, 她选择住在国际生活学习社区, 她和一个来自肯尼亚的室友在一起, 米歇尔·奥西亚,23岁, 谁成了好朋友, 认识了来自世界各地和美国各地的学生.S. “我真的很想在自己的小圈子外认识新同学,她说。. “I wanted to make these global connections, and I learned so much about different cultures.”


De la Grana (left) joins fellow Posse Foundation Scholars from the Miami area who attend 澳门线上赌场. She credits the foundation’s scholarship and support system for helping her become the person she is today on campus.

The experience inspired her to become an RA last year—a role that allows her to stay involved with the international community, 创建程序并帮助其他学生像她一样继续成长. 虽然疫情期间的校园生活是“非常规的”,她说,她以一种积极的心态来对待这件事. She appreciated sharing more one-on-one moments and related to everyone’s experiences adjusting to life amid the pandemic. This fall, she looks forward to big events and other activities that weren’t possible last year. “我喜欢看到学生在不认识任何人的情况下从第一天开始成长, 不了解校园,并帮助他们与他人建立联系,德拉格拉纳说, 的成员 学生宿舍办公室RA顾问委员会. “I was so proud of them at the end, being able to come into themselves and have a great experience.”


超出了她的注册会计师职责范围, de la Grana曾担任纽豪斯学院的同行顾问, working as a teaching assistant for the school’s first-year seminar and sharing her insights about courses and resources with new students. 她也是一个 新生体验 类主持人, 让学生参与有关种族的讨论, 身份, 公平与包容, 并带领他们参加活动. “我真的很喜欢和学生们谈论我们的身份,她说。. “I’ve been learning so much about different people’s cultures and sharing conversations about my own. 我认为与人建立关系是其中非常重要的一部分.”

随着德拉格拉娜拓宽了她的世界观, she also has tailored her academic path to reflect her interest in educational nonprofit and community work. 作为一名高中生, 她积极参与社区戏剧和服务项目, 她带着这个去了锡拉丘兹. 她对电影充满热情,最初是一个 电视、广播和电影 少校,但转移到 公共关系 because of the expansive employment opportunities and her interest in sharing other people’s stories. 她说:“我认为公关是最合适的人选。. 作为对这些兴趣的补充,她被吸引到 公民身份和公民参与 因为课程设置和强调体验式学习, which includes partnering with an organization and developing an action plan for putting an initiative into practice. “我以为, ‘哇, 这让我可以在我所知道的基础上开始构建, 在此基础上创造一些东西,并让人们支持这个项目,’”她说。. “我真的很喜欢这是一个我可以用自己的作品创造的专业.”

我真的很喜欢和学生们谈论我们的身份. I’ve been learning so much about different people’s cultures and sharing conversations about my own. 我认为与人建立关系是其中非常重要的一部分.

——sofia de la Grana (23

De la Grana称自己是一个“狂热的历史爱好者”,,这让她选修了一门跨学科辅修课程 暴行研究和社会正义的实践 通过 教育学院. “It relates to what I want to teach kids about atrocities and genocide through my work as an educator, 或者至少通过电影和艺术,她说。. “That minor expanded what I know about the world and also inspired me to try to teach others about what I haven’t known.” One virtual course she particularly enjoyed was Death as Political: Violence, 悲伤和抗议, 由麦琪·斯库尔教授教授 锡拉丘兹海外伦敦中心. “I love dialogue-driven courses, where we’re all sharing ideas with each other,她说。.



De la Grana (right) gets together with fellow student leaders Buddy Murphy ’23 (left), 22岁的佐伊·塞莱西和23岁的恩里克·拉蒙·普雷尤拉.

今年夏天,德拉格拉纳加入了该大学 玛丽·安·肖公共和社区服务中心 as a 公共关系 intern—a position that allows her to combine what she’s been learning at Newhouse with her devotion to helping an organization with an educational mission. 她为奥兰治中心制作了一个视频, interviewing Shaw Center alumni about the importance of civic engagement in their lives, 以及玛丽·安·肖对该中心的愿景. She is also making improvements to the center’s website and hopes to spend time in the community documenting the center’s initiatives with schoolchildren in areas like literacy, 金融与营养. “我喜欢和别人一起工作, especially community-based work where I can create initiatives that actually impact and help people,她说。.

德拉格拉纳也发挥了她的沟通技巧 雪城大学的国际好兄弟, the local chapter of a global nonprofit dedicated to expanding opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 她一直在从事研究工作, 倡导和社交媒体信息, which includes supporting accessibility for voting and highlighting Black activists with disabilities as part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

我喜欢和别人一起工作, especially community-based work where I can create initiatives that actually impact and help people.

——sofia de la Grana (23

All these experiences have helped de la Grana grow as a person and focus on what is important to her. She has many life goals—including working for the Peace Corps and teaching abroad—that would immerse her in new cultures and allow her to both teach students and learn from them. 当她进入大三的时候, she wants first-year 锡拉丘兹 students to know there are opportunities for everyone on campus, 她鼓励他们要有耐心, 探索,不要不知所措. “有这么多的资源和支持. People are willing to help you grow and advocate for you to learn what you want to learn,她说。. “这是一次非常丰富的经历. 我就是喜欢我的课——真的. 我爱学习.”



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长期以来被公认为大众传播的精英学校之一, 纽豪斯几乎涵盖了所有已知的信息传播形式. Programs are rooted in the liberal arts while you learn how to manage and produce for the mass media and other areas of public communications.

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奥兰治的故事有数千个章节. Discover some of the people, programs and research that fuel 澳门线上赌场's undeniable spirit.

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